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Bruce Dickinson27

When DT meets Bruce Dickinson 1995년 1월 DT는 Awake 유럽 투어를 위해 런던으로 날아갔다.  1월 30일 BBC Radio 1 Bruce Dickinson 세션에 게스트로 참여했다.  즉석에서 'Awake' 앨범에 담긴 3곡(Caught in a Web; Lifting Shadows Off a Dream; 6:00)과 Bruce Dickinson 보컬로 를 커버했다. 다음날 1월 31일에는 Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club에서 공연했다. 이날 엘튼 존부터 비틀즈, 마릴리온, 예스, 레드 제플린, 러쉬에 이르기까지 그들이 좋아하는 다양한 장르의 곡들을 커버했다.그날 연주 리스트는 아래와 같다.1. Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding (Elton John cover) 2. Perf.. 2024. 12. 1.
나이는 숫자일 뿐이다 얼마전 Bruce Dickinson의 7번째 솔로 앨범 'The Mandrake Project'에 이어 Judas Priest의 19번째 스튜디오 앨범 'Invincible Shield'가 공개됐다. Bruce Dickinson은 1958년생, Rob Halford가 1951년생이다. Rob은 일흔이 넘었고 Bruce는 일흔을 바라보는 나이지만 둘 다 목소리는 여전하다. 무엇보다 여전히 현역이다. 둘을 보고 있으니 정말 나이는 숫자에 불과하다는 말을 실감한다. 2024. 3. 13.
오해, 참패, Iron Maiden 그리고 맥주: <Trooper> Iron Maiden 'TROOPER' Beer. 쌉쌀한 맛이 일품인 정통 에일 맥주다. Bruce Dickinson이 맥주 개발에 참여했고 2013년부터 생산해 팔고 있다. 수제 맥주이자 아이언 메이든 로고 때문인지 일반 에일 맥주보다 0.5파운드정도 비싸다. 'TROOPER' Beer의 성공 이후 상품을 하나씩 늘려 지금은 13종류나 된다. Our Beers ROBINSONS TROOPER 4.7% Malt flavours and citric notes for a unique blend of Bobek, Goldings and Cascade hops give this www.ironmaidenbeer.com 맥주병 뒷면에는 의 소재가 된 1854년 Balaclava 전투를 적고 있다. 요약하면 "지휘.. 2024. 1. 6.
[00 하반기] 87. Iron Maiden - Ghost Of The Navigator [2000 하반기] 87. Iron Maiden - Ghost Of The Navigator Iron Maiden - Brave New World ('00, 12th) 1. The Wicker Man [4:35]2. Ghost of the Navigator [6:50]3. Brave New World [6:19]4. Blood Brothers [7:14]5. The Mercenary [4:43]6. Dream of Mirrors [9:21]7. The Fallen Angel [4:01]8. The Nomad [9:06]9. Out of the Silent Planet [6:25]10. The Thin Line Between Love & Hate [8:27] Janick Gers - GuitarsSteve.. 2018. 9. 24.
[97 하반기] 56. Bruce Dickinson - Man Of Sorrows [1997 하반기] 56. Bruce Dickinson - Man Of Sorrows Bruce Dickinson ‎- Accident Of Birth ('97, 4th solo) (Left: US cover, Right: 2005 Reissue cover) 1. Freak [4:15]2. Toltec 7 Arrival [0:37]3. Starchildren [4:17]4. Taking the Queen [4:49]5. Darkside of Aquarius [6:42]6. Road to Hell [3:57]7. Man of Sorrows [5:20]8. Accident of Birth [4:23]9. The Magician [3:54]10. Welcome to the Pit [4:43]11. Omega .. 2018. 9. 17.
Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls: Live Chapter Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls: Live Chapter ('17, Live) Disc 11. If Eternity Should Fail [7:46]2. Speed of Light [5:08]3. Wrathchild [2:59]4. Children of the Damned [5:14]5. Death or Glory [5:15]6. The Red and the Black [13:17]7. The Trooper [4:05]8. Powerslave [7:31] Disc 21. The Great Unknown [6:50]2. The Book of Souls [10:49]3. Fear of the Dark [7:34]4. Iron Maiden [6:05]5. The Number of th.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - Maiden England '88 Iron Maiden - Maiden England '88 ('13, Live) Disc 11. Moonchild [6:23]2. The Evil That Men Do[4:18]3. The Prisoner [6:00]4. Still Life [4:32]5. Die with Your Boots On [5:19]6. Infinite Dreams [5:52]7. Killers [4:56]8. Can I Play with Madness [3:25]9. Heaven Can Wait [7:42]10. Wasted Years [5:05] Disc 21. The Clairvoyant [4:29]2. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son [10:08]3. The Number of the Beast[4:47.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - En Vivo! Iron Maiden - En Vivo! ('12, Live) Disc 11. Satellite 15[4:36]2. The Final Frontier [4:10]3. El Dorado [5:52]4. 2 Minutes to Midnight [5:50]5. The Talisman [8:45]6. Coming Home [5:57]7. Dance of Death [9:03]8. The Trooper [3:59]9. The Wicker Man [5:06] Disc 21. Blood Brothers [7:04]2. When the Wild Wind Blows [10:37]3. The Evil That Men Do[4:17]4. Fear of the Dark [7:30]5. Iron Maiden[5:08] 6. T.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - Flight 666: The Original Soundtrack Iron Maiden - Flight 666: The Original Soundtrack ('09, Live) Disc 11. Churchill's Speech [0:43]2. Aces High [4:49] 1987년 애청곡3. 2 Minutes to Midnight [5:57]4. Revelations [6:28]5. The Trooper [4:01]6. Wasted Years [5:07]7. The Number of the Beast [5:07]8. Can I Play with Madness [3:36]9. Rime of the Ancient Mariner [13:41] 1988년 애청곡 Disc 21. Powerslave [7:28]2. Heaven Can Wait [7:35]3. Run to th.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - Death on the Road Iron Maiden - Death on the Road ('05, Live) Disc 11. Wildest Dreams [4:51]2. Wrathchild [2:59]3. Can I Play with Madness? [3:31]4. The Trooper [4:11]5. Dance of Death [9:34]6. Rainmaker [4:11]7. Brave New World [6:09]8. Paschendale [10:17]9. Lord of the Flies [5:04] Disc 21. No More Lies [8:06]2. Hallowed Be Thy Name [7:40]3. Fear of the Dark [7:38]4. Iron Maiden [5:09]5. Journeyman [7:02]6. The.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls ('15, 16th) Disc 11. If Eternity Should Fail [8:28]2. Speed of Light [5:01]3. The Great Unknown [6:37]4. The Red and the Black [13:33]5. When the River Runs Deep [5:52]6. The Book of Souls [10:27] Disc 21. Death or Glory [5:13]2. Shadows of the Valley [7:32]3. Tears of a Clown [4:59]4. The Man of Sorrows [6:28]5. Empire of the Clouds [18:05] Bruce Dickinson - Voca.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier ('10, 15th) 1. Satellite 15... The Final Frontier [8:40]2. El Dorado [6:49]3. Mother of Mercy [5:20]4. Coming Home [5:52]5. The Alchemist [4:29]6. Isle of Avalon [9:06]7. Starblind [7:48]8. The Talisman [9:03]9. The Man Who Would Be King [8:28]10. When the Wild Wind Blows [10:59] Bruce Dickinson - VocalsJanick Gers - GuitarsDave Murray - GuitarsAdrian Smith - Gui.. 2018. 2. 5.
Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death ('06, 14th) 1. Different World [4:17]2. These Colours Don't Run [6:52] 3. Brighter than a Thousand Suns [8:44] 4. The Pilgrim [5:07]5. The Longest Day [7:48]6. Out of the Shadows [5:36]7. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg [7:21]8. For the Greater Good of God [9:24]9. Lord of Light [7:23]10. The Legacy [9:20] Bruce Dickinson - VocalsDave Murray - Guitars.. 2018. 2. 5.
[특선 162] Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son 1988. 5. 21. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son ('88, 8th) 1. Moonchild [5:42] 2. Infinite Dreams [6:09] 3. Can I Play With Madness [3:31] 4. The Evil That Men Do [4:35] 5. Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son [9:54] 6. The Prophecy [5:06] 7. The Clairvoyant [4:27] 8. Only The Good Die Young [4:42] Bruce Dickinson - Vocals Dave Murray - Guitars Adrian Smith - Guitars, Synthesizer Steve Harris - .. 2017. 1. 31.
[특선 94] Iron Maiden - Live After Death 1987. 8. 26-29 Iron Maiden - Live After Death (The World Slavery Tour) ('85, Live) Disc 1 1. Intro: Churchill's Speech [0:49] 2. Aces High [4:39] 1987년 애청곡 3. 2 Minutes To Midnight [6:03] 4. The Trooper [4:31] 5. Revelations [6:11] 6. Flight Of Icarus [3:28] 7. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner [13:18] 1988년 애청곡 8. Powerslave [7:13] 9. The Number Of The Beast [4:53] 10. Hallowed Be Thy Name [7:21] 11... 2017. 1. 29.