Royal Albert Hall8 1967년 11월 14일 1967년 11월 14일, Jimi Hendrix는 Royal Albert Hall에서 첫 공연을 갖는다. 영국에 건너온 지 1년 만에 영국 최고 무대에 주연으로 오른 것이다. 이날 오프닝 밴드는 Pink Floyd, The Move 그리고 The Nice였다. 훗날 20세기 프로그레시브 록을 대표하는 Pink Floyd도, Keith Emerson의 The Nice도 이날은 풋내기 조연에 불과했다. 한편, Syd Barrett은 공연장에서 사라졌다가 공연 시작 2분 전에서야 나타난다. 왜 사라졌는지는 굳이 말 안해도 안다. David Gilmour는 그날 객석에 있었다. 몇 개월 뒤 Syd를 대신해 Pink Floyd 멤버가 될줄은 아무도 몰랐다. 타임머신을 타고 그날, 그곳에 갈 수 있다면, 아주 파.. 2023. 12. 12. Down by the lake warm afternoon Down by the lake / Warm afternoon Breezes carry children's balloons Once upon a time / Not long ago She lived in a house by the grove And she recalls the day / When she left home Long goodbyes / Make me so sad I have to leave right now And though I hate to go I know it's for the better Long goodbyes / Make me so sad Forgive my leaving now You know I'll miss you so And days we spent together Long.. 2023. 12. 8. Opeth - In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall Opeth - In Live Concert at the Royal Albert Hall ('10, Live) ★★★★★masterpiece 1. The Leper Affinity [10:07]2. Bleak [8:53]3. Harvest [6:10]4. The Drapery Falls [10:07]5. Dirge For November [8:28]6. The Funeral Portrait [8:21]7. Patterns In The Ivy [2:24]8. Blackwater Park [12:32]9. Forest Of October [17:12]10. Advent [15:03]11. April Ethereal [10:22]12. The Moor [12:12]13. Wreath [12:24]14. Hope.. 2018. 1. 15. Porcupine Tree - Octane Twisted Porcupine Tree - Octane Twisted ('12, Live) CD 1 - The Incident - Chicago1. Occam's Razor [2:20]2. The Blind House [5:58]3. Great Expectations [1:26]4. Kneel And Disconnect [2:03]5. Drawing The Line [4:43]6. The Incident [5:20]7. Your Unpleasant Family [1:51]8. The Yellow Windows Of The Evening Train [2:01]9. Time Flies [12:07]10. Degree Zero Of Liberty [1:45]11. Octane Twisted [5:03]12. The Sea.. 2018. 1. 13. Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited: Live at The Royal Albert Hall Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited: Live at The Royal Albert Hall ('14, Live) 1. Dance on a Volcano [6:39]2. Dancing With the Moonlit Knight [7:53]3. Fly on a Windshield [3:39]4. Broadway Melody of 1974 (Vocals: Gary O'Toole) [2:54]5. The Carpet Crawlers [6:09]6. The Return of the Giant Hogweed [8:38]7. The Musical Box [11:25]8. Horizons [2:01]9. Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers... [2:13]10....I.. 2018. 1. 11. David Gilmour - Remember That Night:Live at Royal Albert Hall David Gilmour - Remember That Night:Live at Royal Albert Hall ('07, Live) 1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. Time 4. Breathe (Reprise) 5. Castellorizon 6. On An Island (with David Crosby and Graham Nash) 7. The Blue (with David Crosby and Graham Nash)8. Red Sky At Night 9. This Heaven10. Then I Close My Eyes (with Robert Wyatt) 11. Smile 12. Take A Breath 13. A Pocketful Of Stones 14. Where We Start 1.. 2018. 1. 6. [특선 216] Deep Purple - Concerto for Group and Orchestra 1988. 10. 16- Deep Purple (Official) Deep Purple - Concerto for Group and Orchestra ('70, 4th, Live) 1. Wring that neck [12:51] 2. Child in time [12:27] 1988년 애청곡 3. Concerto for Group and Orchestra ① First movement: moderato allegro [19:06] ② Second movement: andante [19:01] ③ Third movement: vivace presto [15:24] Ritchie Blackmore - guitar Ian Gillan - vocals Roger Glover - bass Jon Lord - key.. 2017. 2. 4. [89] 61. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb [1989] 61. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd - The Wall ('79, 11th) CD 1 1. In The Flesh? [3:19] 2. The Thin Ice [2:29] 3. Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1) [3:10] 4. The Happiest Days of our Lives [1:51] 5. Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) [4:00] 6. Mother [5:33] 7. Goodbye Blue Sky [2:49] 8. Empty Spaces [2:07] 9. Young Lust [3:33] 10. One of My Turns [3:34] 11. Don't Leave Me Now [4.. 2010. 5. 28. 이전 1 다음