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Neil Peart13

'A Farewell To Kings'에 얽힌 9가지 사실 Nine facts about 'A Farewell To Kings'written by Malcolm Dome1. 미국에서 50만장 판매한 최초의 Rush 앨범이다. 2. 와 에서 들리는 선명한 새소리는 앨범을 만든 웨일스 Rockfield Studios 밖에서 녹음한 소리다. 3. 가사는 1936년 고전 스크루볼 코미디 'Mr. Deeds Goes To Town'을 기반했다. 4. 는 Samuel Coleridge Taylor의 시 'Kubla Khan'에서 영감을 받았다. 5. 는 Neil Peart 친구인 Peter Talbot이 외부 작가로 참여한 최초의 Rush 노래다.  6. 앨범의 마무리인 는 'Cygnus X-1' Sci-Fi 이야기의 첫 번째 부분이다. 두 번째 파트는 다음 앨범인 'H.. 2024. 5. 12.
Rush - R40 Live Rush - R40 Live ('15, Live) Disc 11. The World Is...The World Is... [2:10]2. The Anarchist [7:07]3. Headlong Flight/Drumbastica (Drum Solo) [8:45]4. Far Cry [5:31]5. The Main Monkey Business [6:07]6. How It Is [4:45]7. Animate [6:15]8. Roll the Bones [6:05]9. Between the Wheels [5:58]10. Losing It (with Ben Mink) [5:55]11. Subdivisions [5:48] Disc 21. Tom Sawyer [4:59]2. YYZ [4:31]3. The Spirit .. 2018. 1. 12.
Rush - Clockwork Angels Tour Rush - Clockwork Angels Tour ('13, Live) Disc 11. Subdivisions [5:39]2. The Big Money [6:02]3. Force Ten [5:35]4. Grand Designs [5:15]5. The Body Electric [4:52]6. Territories [6:46]7. The Analog Kid [5:24]8. Bravado [5:46]9. Where s My Thing?/Here It Is! (Drum Solo) [8:23]10. Far Cry [5:35] Disc 21. Caravan2. Clockwork Angels [5:42]3. The Anarchist [8:12]4. Carnies [5:16]5. The Wreckers [5:27]6.. 2018. 1. 12.
Rush - Clockwork Angels Rush - Clockwork Angels ('12) 1. Caravan [5:40]2. BU2B [5:10]3. Clockwork Angels [7:31]4. The Anarchist [6:52]5. Carnies [4:52]6. Halo Effect [3:14]7. Seven Cities Of Gold [6:32]8. The Wreckers [5:01]9. Headlong Flight [7:20]10. BU2B2 [1:28]11. Wish Them Well [5:25]12. The Garden [6:59] Alex Lifeson - electric, acoustic and 12-string guitars, keyboardsGeddy Lee - bass, bass pedals, keyboards, vo.. 2018. 1. 12.
Rush - Time Machine 2011:Live in Cleveland Rush - Time Machine 2011:Live in Cleveland ('11, Live) Disc 11. The Spirit Of Radio [5:02]2. Time Stand Still [5:16]3. Presto [6:32]4. Stick It Out [4:22]5. Workin' Them Angels [4:44]6. Leave That Thing Alone [5:13]7. Faithless [5:57]8. BU2B [4:23]9. Free Will [5:29]10. Marathon [6:29]11. Subdivisions [5:30]12. Tom Sawyer [4:53]13. Red Barchetta [6:55]14. YYZ [4:32] Disc 215. Limelight [4:31]16... 2018. 1. 12.
Rush - Snakes & Arrows Live Rush - Snakes & Arrows Live ('08, Live) Disc 11. Limelight [4:48]2. Digital Man [6:57]3. Entre Nous [5:18]4. Mission [5:39]5. Freewill [6:02]6. The Main Monkey Business [6:06]7. The Larger Bowl [4:21]8. Secret Touch [7:45]9. Circumstances [3:47]10. Between The Wheels [6:01]11. Dreamline [5:16]12. Far Cry [5:20]13. Workin' Them Angels [4:49]14. Armor and Sword [6:57] Disc 21. Spindrift [5:46]2. T.. 2018. 1. 11.
Rush - Snakes & Arrows Rush - Snakes & Arrows ('07) 1. Far Cry [5:21]2. Armor And Sword [6:36]3. Workin' Them Angels [4:47]4. The Larger Bowl [4:07]5. Spindrift [5:24]6. The Main Monkey Business (Instrumental) [6:01]7. The Way The Wind Blows [6:28]8. Hope (Instrumental) [2:02]9. Faithless [5:31]10. Bravest Face [5:12]11. Good News First [4:51]12. Malignant Narcissism (Instrumental)[2:17]13. We Hold On [4:13] Alex Life.. 2018. 1. 11.
Rush - R30:30th Anniversary World Tour Rush - R30:30th Anniversary World Tour ('05, Live) CD 11. R30 Overture - Finding My Way / Anthem, Bastille Day / A Passage to Bangkok / Cygnus X-1 / Hemispheres [6:42]2. The Spirit of Radio [5:05]3. Force Ten [4:49]4. Animate [5:49]5. Subdivisions [6:09]6. Earthshine [5:41]7. Red Barchetta [6:49]8. Roll the Bones [6:22]9. The Seeker [3:27]10. Tom Sawyer [5:00]11. Dreamline [5:20] CD 21. Between .. 2018. 1. 11.
Rush - In Rio Rush - In Rio ('03, Live) CD 11. Tom Sawyer [5:04]2. Distant Early Warning [4:50]3. New World Man [4:04]4. Roll the Bones [6:15]5. Earthshine [5:44]6. YYZ [4:56]7. The Pass [4:52]8. Bravado [6:18]9. The Big Money [6:03]10. The Trees [5:12]11. Free Will [5:48]12. Closer to the Heart [3:04]13. Natural Science [8:34] CD 21. One Little Victory [5:32]2. Driven [5:22]3. Ghost Rider [5:36]4. Secret Tou.. 2018. 1. 11.
[특선 259] Rush - All the World's a Stage 1989. 4. 24-28 Rush - All the World's a Stage ('76, 1st Live album) 1. Bastille Day [4:57]2. Anthem [4:56]3. Fly by Night/In the Mood [5:03]4. Something for Nothing [4:02]5. Lakeside Park [5:04]6. 2112 [15:45]I. OvertureII. The Temples of SyrinxIII. Presentation (Lifeson, Peart)IV. SoliloquyV. Grand Finale7. By-Tor & the Snow Dog [11:57]I. At the Tobes of HadesII. Across the StyxIII. Of the Batt.. 2017. 2. 10.
2006년 8월 12일 (토) - Rush * 음악세계/아티스트리뷰(13) "Rush"의 음악세계 * 초기/스튜디오앨범(1-7집)1974-1980을 중심으로 * The Rush Remasters 1. Rush (1974).........................."Here Again" 2. Fly By Night (1975)................"By-tor & the Snow Dog" 3. Caress Of Steel (1975)..........."Bastille Day" 4. 2112 (1976)..........................."Tears" 5. A Farewell To Kings (1977)...."A Farewell To Kings" 6. Hemispheres (1978).............."La Vill.. 2016. 10. 22.
2005년 4월 27일 (수) * 음악세계/앨범가이드/Rush Canadian Power Rock Trio formed in Toronto(1969) Neil Peart (52/9/12) Geddy Lee (53/7/29) Alex Lifeson (53/8/27) 결성 30주년을 넘긴 캐나다의 플래티넘 트리오 3인의 테크닉이 모두 뛰어나나 2집부터 참여해 그룹의 리더가된 "닐 퍼트"의 두뇌파 드러밍과 그의 천문학적인 가사로 마호가니 러쉬나 트라이엄프와 함께 캐나다의 트로이카로 군림했으나 지금은 독보적 그룹이다. 1974/9 Rush (1st/첫 앨범에는 John Rutsey(d) 참여)..."Here Again" 1975/3 Fly By Night..."By-Tor & The Snow Dog" 1975/10/18 Caress Of S.. 2015. 7. 15.
[86] 28. Rush - Xanadu [1986] 28. Rush - Xanadu Rush - A Farewell To Kings ('77, 6th) 1. A Farewell To Kings [5:51] 2. Xanadu [11:08] 3. Closer To The Heart [2:53] 4. Cinderalla Man [4:21] 5. Madrigal [2:35] 6. Cygnus X-1 [10:25] Geddy Lee - Bass, Guitar, Guitar (12 String), Guitar (Bass), Keyboards, Organ, Synthesizer, Vocals Alex Lifeson - Guitar, Guitar (12 String Electric), Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar (Electric) Nei.. 2010. 5. 2.