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[94] 40. London Philharmonic Orchestra - Endless Rain

by Mr.Doctor 2017. 1. 16.

[1994] 40. London Philharmonic Orchestra - Endless Rain 

Yoshiki with London Philharmonic Orchestra - Yoshiki Presents Eternal Melody ('93, 1st) 

 (Left: '93 1st Press 2CD, Right: 2001 Re-issue 1CD) 

1. Overture 

2. Vanishing Love 

3. Amethyst 

4. Kurenai 

5. Endless Rain 

6. Unfinished 

7. Say Anything 

8. Silent Jealousy 

9. A Piano String In Es Dur 

10. Week End 

11. Rose Of Pain 

12. Tears