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Patrick Moraz24

[00 하반기] 100. Tony Palkovic - Upper Winds [2000 하반기] 100. Tony Palkovic - Upper Winds Tony Palkovic - Esoteric ('00, 4th) 1. Latin/English [5:51]2. Labor Of Love Part 1 [2:11]3. Labor Of Love Part 2 [3:58]4. Out Of Time [0:40]5. One Time [5:00]6. Forever Why [1:39]7. Upper Winds [5:06]8. Force Of Habit [6:40]9. Love Gone [2:44]10. Coconut [5:29] Tony Palkovic - Guitar, Keyboards, Guitar Synth, Percussion Samples, Acoustic Guitars, Bass .. 2018. 9. 24.
Yes - The Word Is Live Yes - The Word Is Live ('05, Live) Disc 11. Then (BBC, 1970) [5:25]2. For Everyone (BBC, 1970) [4:44]3. Astral Traveller (Gothenburg, 1971) [7:24]4. Everydays (Gothenburg, 1971) [11:01]5. Yours Is No Disgrace (London, 1971) [11:45]6. I've Seen All Good People (London, 1971) [7:52]1) Your Move2) All Good People7. America (London, 1971) [16:21]8. It's Love (London, 1971) [11:07] Disc 21. Apocalyps.. 2018. 3. 2.
Yes - Yesshows Yes - Yesshows ('80, Live) Side 11. Parallels (24 November 1977, Ahoy'-Hal, Rotterdam) [7:07]2. Time and a Word (27 October 1978, Empire Pool, London) [4:06]3. Going for the One (18 November 1977, Festhalle, Frankfurt) [5:22] Side 21. The Gates of Delirium (17 August 1976, Cobo Hall, Detroit) [22:40] Side 31. Don't Kill the Whale (28 October 1978, Empire Pool, London) [4:12]2. Ritual (Nous somme.. 2018. 3. 2.
[특선 257] Yes - Relayer 1989. 4. 20-21 http://www.yesworld.com Yes - Relayer ('74, 8th) 1. Gates Of Delirium [21:55] 1988년 애청곡 2. Sound Chaser [9:25] 3. To Be Over [9:08] Jon Anderson - Vocals Chris Squire - Bass, Vocals Patrick Moraz - Keyboards Alan White - Drums on everything else Steve Howe - Guitars, Vocals 1. Gates Of Delirium Stand and fight we do consider Reminded of an inner pact between us That's seen as we g.. 2017. 2. 10.
[특선 58] Patrick Moraz & Bill Bruford - Music For Piano And Drums 1987. 4. 30 - 5. 1 Patrick Moraz & Bill Bruford - Music For Piano And Drums ('83) 1. Children's Concerto [4:53] 2. Living Space [3:52] 3. Any Suggestions [5:37] 4. Eastern Sundays [6:48] 5. Blue Brains [4:48] 6. Symmetry [3:40] 7. Galatea [5:24] 8. Hazy [6:22] Bill Bruford - Drums Patrick Moraz - Keyboards 2017. 1. 27.
[특선 57] Bill Bruford - Master Strokes: 1978-1985 1987. 4. 24-25 Bill Bruford - Master Strokes : 1978-1985 ('86) 1. Hell's Bells [3:32] 2. One of a Kind, Pt. 1/One of a Kind, Pt. 2 [6:20] 3. Travels With Myself-And Someone Else [6:14] 4. Gothic 17 [5:07] 5. Palewell Park [3:59 ] 6. If You Can't Stand the Heat [3:24] 7. Five G [4:41] 8. Joe Frazier [4:43] 9. Living Space [3:53 ] 10. The Drum Also Waltzes [2:53] 11. Split Seconds [4:39] 12. Faint.. 2017. 1. 27.
[특선 19] Patrick Moraz & Bill Bruford - Flags 1986. 9. 20-21 Bill Bruford - http://www.billbruford.co.uk (Official) Flags Albumn Review Patrick Moraz & Bill Bruford - Flags ('85) 1. Temples of Joy [4:51] 2. Split Seconds [4:37] 3. Karu [3:45] 1986년 애청곡 4. Impromptu, Too! [3:30] 5. Flags [4:27] 6. Machines Programmed by Genes [5:13] 7. The Drum Also Waltzes [2:51] 8. Infra Dig [3:12] 9. A Way with Words [1:36] 10. Everything You've Heard is .. 2017. 1. 25.
2006년 11월 21일 (화) - Patrick Moraz * 음악세계/20주년기년특집/아티스트리뷰(69) "Patrick Moraz"1948년6월24일(스위스/태생) 타고난 음악신동으로 자란 그는 클래식피아니스트가되기위해 틴에이지를 보냈다. 18세가되던해 영국으로건너가 록음악에 제2의 인생을 걸었다. 23세시절 "Mainhorse"를 조직 28세시절 "Refugee"를 조직(불후의 명반을 남겼다) 1976년부터 솔로와 그룹활동(Yes-Moody Blues)을 병행 전천후드러머 빌 브루포드와 두장의 역작(조인앨범)을 발표 2003년 55세의 나이에 나무랄데없는 앨범(esp)을 발표하는데......  * 추천곡 1. Karu (Flags/1985) / with Bill Bruford 2. Intermezzo-Indoors (Story of I/1st solo) 3.. 2016. 12. 31.
2005년 4월 14일 (목) * 음악세계/기획특집/아티스트리뷰/앨범가이드/Patrick Moraz (1948/6/24-/Morges 스위스태생) 천재바이얼니스트 Paderewski의 매니저로 일하던 아버지의 유전인자(피아니스트가 되려던 꿈을 아들에게 전수)를 받아 5세때부터 피아노와 바이얼린을 배우기 시작 특히 바흐와 베토벤에 심추했으나 고교시절 부치늬 만류에도 불구 재즈와 록음악에 제2의 음악인생을 걸기시작 18세때 영국으로 건너가 정치외교학을 전공(학사) 파트타임엔 성당에서 Church Organ을 연주하였다. 대학졸업후 그의 끊임없는 다양한 욕구는 중동과 남미들을 여행하며 수많은 실험음악과 인디영화음악을 자주제작으로 소량의 매이너들에게 전설의 트리오 "Refugee"를 결성 2년만의 작품구상과 리허설 끝에 아트록의 명반을 탄생.. 2015. 7. 10.
2004년 2월 29일 (일) 1. Salvador/Seven Sisters (Third World) / Dominic Miller (이라클리온/론리시걸) * 특선앨범 (Review) 2. Gatto & Volpe spa (Pinocchio) / Pooh 3. Rupi's Dance/Old Black Cat (Rupi's Dance) / Ian Anderson 4. Bitter Harvest/City Of Lanterns/Riding THe Tide (Contagion) / Arena5. I'll Follow The Sun (Beatle Jazz/Another bite the apple) / Brian Melvin Trio 6. Comatose (Tug Of War) / Enchant 7. Paint It Black (Stone Ja.. 2015. 6. 20.
2004년 2월 28일 (토) 1. Nancy (Vol.8) / Fabrizio de Andre (박종홍/한현구) * 특선앨범 (Review)2. C'ere una volta (Pinocchio) / Pooh3. Calliandra Shade (Rupi's Dance) / Ian Anderson4. Salamander/On The Box(Contagion) / Arena5. Here There & Everywhere (Beatle Jazzll/Another bite of the apple) / Brian Melvin Trio6. Living In A Movie (Tug Of War) / Enchant7. Ruby Tuesday (Stone Jazz) / Mark Kramer Quartet8. Far From Home (Forward .. 2015. 6. 20.
2004년 2월 27일 (금) 1. Adagio (Concerto Gross no.1) / New Trolls (조향미/반디) * 특선앨범 (Review) 2. Voglio andare via (Pinocchio) / Pooh 3. Pigeon Flying Over Berlin Zoo (Rupi's Dance) / Ian Anderson 4. Ascension (Contagion) /Arena5. Give Me Love (Beatle Jazz/Another Bite Of The Apple) / Brian Melvin Trio 6. Tug Of War (Tug Of War) / Enchant 7. Satisfaction (Stone Jazz) / Mark Kramer (p) Lenny White (d) Charles Fambrough .. 2015. 6. 20.
2004년 2월 26일 (목) 1. 은빛호수 / 작은하늘 (권지순/이근형/김성헌/이근상) * 특선앨범 (Review) 2. La mia notte dei miracoli (Pinocchio/2002) / Pooh3. Lost In Crowds (Rupi's Dance/2003) / Ian Anderson 4. An Angel Falls/Painted Man (Contagion/2003) / Arena5. Julia (Beatle Jazz ll/Another Bite The Apple/2001) / Brian Melvin Trio6. Beautiful (Tug Of War/2003) / Enchant7. As Tears Go By (Stone Jazz) / Mulgrew Miller (p) Edgardo Clinton (perc) Ch.. 2015. 6. 20.
2000년 11월 23일 (목) 1. Soleil (Conte De Fees) / Francoise Hardy 2. 시가 있는 음악세계 / 신성한 숲 (조정권) 3. Break Away (Album) / Art Garfunkel 4. Cathedral (CSN) / Crosby Stills & Nash 5. Baby I Love Your Way (Frampton) / Peter Frampton 6. In The Skies (In The Skies) / Peter Green 7. Sookie Sookie (Steppenwolf) / Steppenwolf 8. Driver's Seat (Fickle Heart) / Sniff 'N' Tears ※ 특선앨범 (5) 9. Exit (Serendipity) / PFM 10. One Thousan.. 2010. 7. 18.
2000년 11월 21일 (화) 1. Baseball (One Bad Habit) / Michael Franks 2. 시가 있는 음악세계 / 대화 (옥타비오 빠스) 3. Falling Stars (Best) / England Dan & John Ford Coley ※ 특선앨범 (3) 4. La Quiete Che Verra (Serendipity) / PFM 5. Eva's Pond (Tuscany) / Renaissance 6. Birds On A Wire (Resonance) / Patrick Moraz 7. Looking For The Right One (Best) / Stephen Bishop 8. Dolphins Make Me Cry (Being There) / Martyn Joseph 9. Persephone (There's.. 2010. 7. 18.