Nourith10 [00 상반기] 65. Nourith - Yeroushalayim Shel Zahav [2000 상반기] 65. Nourith - Yerushalayim Shel Zahav Nourith - Kol Yishama ('99, 1st) 1. Kôl Yishama [4:01]2. Lean Ani Eleh [3:28]3. Yeroushalayim Shel Zahav [4:07]4. Papa Joseph [3:48]5. Lerega Elayih [3:54]6. Opaline [4:22]7. Aye At [4:13]8. Saphir [4:09]9. Shabehi [3:07]10. Balayla Kar [4:26]11. Ela [4:05]12. Yeroushalayim Shel Zahav (Acoustic) [3:31] Nourith - Vocals 3. Yeroushalayim Shel Zahav .. 2018. 9. 23. 2003년 10월 2일 (목) 1. Main Title-Harry's False Funeral (The Third Man OST) / Anton KAras (Herb) 2. 사랑노래(백창우) (작성자: 박미영) * 특선앨범 3. Lullaby (Music For Films) / Goran Bregovic (from "Arizona Dream") 4. On Oublie (Nourith) / Nourith 5. 비발디 선율에 맞추어 (러시아 음유시가 베스트) / 드미티리 보고다노프 & Friends 6. Goodye My Love (Midnight) / Diane Schuur 7. Ode To Joy (Brombo! JB Project) / Brian Bromberg & Akira Jimbo 8. NWC/New World Coming (.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 10월 1일 (수) 1. A Rose For Emily (Odessey & Oracle) / The Zombies (이명희/아멜리아) 2. 가을은 조용히 흔들린다(이향아) (작성자: 박미영) * 특선앨범 3. Ederlezi (Music For Films) / Goran Bregovic (from "Time Of The Gypsies") 4. La Peur (Nourith) / Nourith 5. 그대에게 들려주고픈 이야기 (러시아 음유시가 베스트) / 세르게이 니기찐 & Friends 6. When October Goes (Midnight) / Diane Schuur 7. Summer Breeze (Brombo! JB Project) / Brian Bromberg & Akira Jimbo(Casiopea) 8. Techn.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 30일 (화) 1. Kissing A Fool (Michael Buble) / Michael Buble 2. 내 안에는 여러 개 방이 있습니다(이은심) (작성자: 정진수) * 특선앨범 3. Ya Ya Ringa Raja (Music For Films) / Goran Bregovic (from "Underground") 4. Ten Old Yom (Nourith) / Nourith 5. 그루지아의 노래 (러시아 음유시가 베스트) / 빅토르 베르콥스키 & Friends 6. Anytime (Midnight) / Diane Schuur with Barry Manilow (2003) 7. And I Love Her (Brombo! JB Project) Brian Bromberg & Akira Jimbo (2003) 8. Gl.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 29일 (월) 1. When You Smile At Me (Backstreet) / David Sanborn & Marcus Miller 2. Casa Bianca (Melagranada) / Marisa Sannia 3. Una Zebra A Pois (L'oro Di Mina) / Mina * 특선앨범 4. Au Milieu Des Loups (Nourith) / Nourith 5. Standing In Stillness (Standing In Stillness) / Mythologic 6. Face To Face (Dance Of Death) / Iron Maiden 7. Rainmaker 8. From Me To You (Melody Inn) / Idha Ovelius 9. Jeanne d'Arc (Destin.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 28일 (일) 1. Forever Autumn (Forever Autumn) / Lake Of Tears 2. Someday I'll Build A Boat (Song For A Friend) / Jon Mark (김영하/김계희) * 특선앨범 3. Il n'y a Ou'un (Nourith) / Nourith 4. Truth Undiscovered (Standing in Stillness) / Mythologic 5. Invisible Legion (Show) / After Crying 6. Wildest Dreams (Dance Of Death) / Iron Maiden 7. Heartbreaker (On Time) / Grand Funk Railroad (노용지) 8. Morning Glory (Third Ligh.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 27일 (토) 1. 외로운 아이 / 조한웅 2. 하늘 우체국(윤성택) (작성자: 여상훈) * 특선앨범 3. From Leonardo's Sketchbook (Sketches) / Kurt Bestor 4. Sapphire Blue (Sapphire Blue) / Larry Carlton 5. Pour un seul Homme (Nourith) / Nourith 6. Farewell/Life Must Go On (Show) / After Crying 7. A Dim To Dark (Standing in Stillness) / Mythologic 8. Say You Love Me (Northwinds) / David Coverdale 9. Thunder Cadenza (Metamorphosis) / Uli Jon Roth 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 26일 (금) 1. 기억속으로 / 이은미 2. 가을 우체국(문정희) (작성자: 정진수) 3. IL Postino (OST) / Hector Ulies Passarella(Bandoneon) Luis Bacalov(Composer) * 특선앨범 4.On Pastel Wing (Sketches) / Kurt Bestor 5. Friday Night Shuffle (Sapphire Blue) / Larry Carlton 6. Juste un geste (Nourith) / Nourith 7. Secret Service (Show) / After Crying (2003/from Hungary) (이라클리온/론리시걸/바람코지) 8. Magic To Breathe /In Solitude (Standing in Stillness).. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 25일 (목) * 새 앨범 특선 (2) 1. Mama Don't You Weep (Sketches) / Kurt Bestor * 나누고 싶은 이야기: 앞못보는 부부가수 목숨을 걸고 (정호승) 2. Silghtly Dirty( Sapphire Blue) / Larry Carlton 3. God Only Knows (Undercovers) / Maria Joao 4. Down In The Flood (Masked & Anonymous OST) / Bob Dylan 5. Partir (Nourith) / Nourith 6. Rise From The Shadows (Once And The Future King/Part II) / Gary Hughes 7. I'm Not With You (Dreams For The Darlin.. 2012. 9. 23. 2003년 9월 24일 (수) * 새 앨범 특선 (1) 1. Expedition (Sketches) / Kurt Bestor 2. Take Me Down (Sapphire Blue) / Larry Carlton * 고향생각(고운석) 3. Lately(Undercovers) / Maria Joao * 구름걸린 미류나무(이외수) 4. It's All Over Now Baby Blue (Masked & Anynomous OST) / Grateful Dead 5. Purple Dream (Nourith) / Nourith 6. Once And The Future King (Once And The Futrue King/part II) / Gary Hughes 7. Dream Real (Dreams For The Darling) / Dreamt.. 2012. 9. 23. 이전 1 다음