Lito Vitale8 2007년 7월 6일 (금) - Lito Vitale * 음악세계/기획특집/아티스트리뷰(169) "Lito Vitale"1961/12/1(부에노스아이레스/아르헨티나)태생(현45세) 음악신동으로 자라 헤아릴수없이많은 콘서트를 틴에이지시절에 경험 그를 가르친 수많은 스승들은 훌륭한 클래식 피아니스트가 되기원했으나 상파올로음악원 재학중 피아졸라의 음악에 대한 재평가를 내리며 크로스오버로 진로를 택하는데... 1. Zamba de Juan Panadero (Juntando Almas/1993) / with Pedro Aznar 2. Dia del Milenio (Dia del Milenio/2000) / with Buenos Aires Symphony 3. Oriente y Occidente (Todos Estos Anos/2001) / with Maria Vit.. 2017. 1. 4. 2004년 6월 29일 (화) 1. The Last Goodbye (Wonderful Life) / Lara Fabian (from Belgium) 2. Listening For The Weather (Beautiful Collision) / Bic Runga (from New Zealand) 3. Call Me (Dreamer/2004) / Eliane Elias 4. Stand By Your Man (Western Shadows/1989) / Carole Laure * 특선앨범 (Review) 5. Speak Like A Child (With All My Heart) / Harvey Mason 6. Los Amantes (Canto) / Vicente Amigo & El Pele 7. Buenos Aires (Todos Estos.. 2015. 6. 22. 2004년 6월 28일 (월) 1. Summer Side Of Life (Summer Side Of Life) / Gordon Lightfoot (임수진) 2. Profession Of (The Wild The Willing & The Innocent) / UFO (노용지) 3. When Night Falls (New Bottles Old Medicine) / Medicine Head (서창우) 4. There's No Blood In Bone (A Good Things Lost/1968-1973) / Poppy Family (조연작) * 특선앨범 (Review) 5. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (With All My Heart/2004) / Harvey Mason 6. Canto (Canto/2003) / El Pe.. 2015. 6. 22. 2004년 2월 13일 (금) 1. Walking In The Rain / 최일민 2. Mama I'm Going Home / 송기철 3. After The Rain / 이현석 * 특선앨범 4. Cichy Zapada Zmrok (Upojenie) / Anna Maria Jopek with Pat Metheny 5. Compare Manuel (Ciudad de las Ideas) / Vicente Amigo 6. Cinema verite (Musica para sonar y reposar 1) / Lito Vitale 7. True Emotion (The Hunter) / Jennifer Warnes (v) Michael Landau (g) 8. Just Like A Woman (Sometime Ago) / Radka Toneff .. 2015. 6. 20. 2004년 2월 12일 (목) 1. 친구에게 (Hungerkunstler) / 이창식 (g) 신미숙 (k) 김미량 (v) 2. 나의 오랜된 꿈 하나 / 한정희( p) 3. 겨울오후 (DOA) / 김태원, 김도균 & 신대철 * 특선앨범 4. Letter From Home (Upojenie) / Anna Maria Jopek with Pat Metheny 5. Ojos de la Alhambra (Ciudad de las ideas) / Vicente Amigo (g) Khaled (v) 6. Barro tal vez (Musica para sonar y reposar 1) / Lito Vitale 7. The Hunter (The Uhnter) / Jennifer Warnes 8. Ballad Of The Sad Young Mes (S.. 2015. 6. 20. 2004년 2월 11일 (수) 1. Late Night Show (Best Of) / Omega (노성복) 2. Goodbye To Yesterday (V) / Spock's Beard (정종희/정의철) 3. Come Together (Yellow Matter Custard) / Mike Portno, Neal Morse, Paul Gilbert (조성준) * 특선앨범 4. Are You Going With Me? (Upogenie) / Anna Maria Jopek with Pat Metheny (from Poland) 5. Tres notas para decir te quiero (Ciudad de las ideas) / Vicente Amigo with Pedro Aznar 6. Todo a Pulmon (Musica para .. 2015. 6. 20. 2003년 12월 8일 (월) 1. White Christmas (Love Actually OST) / Otis Redding (종대&경아) 2. A Suicide in Schenectady (It's A Nice Thought/2002) / Sarah Moule with London/Linn 3. Black Coffee (Too Darn Hot/2002) / Claire Martin with Sarah Moule 4. Tonight I Shall Sleep (I'll Take Romance/2002) / Tina May with Sarah Moule * 특선앨범 5. Pat Meth (Prdro Aznar) / Pedro Aznar 6. Gymnopedie-Adagio (La memoria del tiempo) / Lito Vita.. 2013. 11. 20. 2003년 12월 7일 (일) 1. Boubacar (The Intercontinentals) / Bill Frisell (김재헌) 2. Cry For You (That was then is now) / Andy Timmons (김규완) 3. The fall of the Idol (Music Machine) / Erik Norlander(k), Mark Boals(v) (노용지) 4. A Pillow Of Winds (Meddle) / Pink Floyd (번역: 아멜리아 음악세계 공주) * 특선앨범 5. Septembre-Because (Pedro Aznar/1st/1982) / Pedro Aznar (from Argentina) 6. Pavane pour une infante difunte-Dank sei Dir, Herr (La.. 2013. 11. 15. 이전 1 다음