Kahvas Jute4 2003년 2월 6일 (목) 1. Ventura (Hallelujah!) / La buena vida 2. 길 (윤동주) (작성자: 김계희) 3. Black Heart (Feast Of Wire) / Calexico * 특선앨범 4. Judgement Of The Moon & Stars (Travelogue) / Joni Mitchell with Mendoza Orch. 5. Malina (Echos) / Lacrimosa (2003) 6. Blue (Life Colors) / Chuck Loeb 7. As Phat As It Gets (As Phat As It Gets) / Leslie West 8. Vikings (Wide Open) / Kahvas Jute 9. Out Of My Hands (Mudpie)Mudpie 10. S.. 2012. 9. 18. 2003년 2월 5일 (수) 1. If I Fell (Bossa 'n Beatles) / Rita Lee 2. 그리움 (김용권) (작성자: 바후림) 3. Viento del sur (Navegas por las costas) / Katia Cardenal (Herb) * 특선앨범 4. Chinese Cafe/Unchained Melody (Travelogue) / Joni Mitchell with Vince Mendoza Orch. 5. Apart (Echos) / Lacrimosa (2003) 6. Snow Song (Life Colors) / Chuck Loeb 7. Respect (As Phat As It Gets) / Leslie West 8. Odyssey (Wide Open) / Kahvas Jute 9. Take Me .. 2012. 9. 18. 2003년 2월 4일 (화) 1. I'm With You (Let Go) / Avril Lavigne 2. 징검다리 (이준관) (작성자: 이정우) 3. That Black Guitar (Train Leaves At Eight) / The Walkabouts (iraclion) * 특선앨범 4. The Circle Game (Travelogue) / Joni Mitchell with Vince Mendoza Orchestra 5. Sacrifice (Echos) / Lacrimosa (2003) 6. John Leslie (Life Colors) / Chuck Loeb 7. Saturation (As Phat As It Gets) / Leslie West 8. Free (Wide Open) / Kahvas Jute 9. Heaven .. 2012. 9. 18. 2003년 2월 3일 (월) 1. Suo-Gan (Voice Of An Angel) / Charlotte Church 2. 세한도 (고재종) (작성자: 이영복) * 특선앨범 3. Woodstock (Travelogue) / Joni Mitchell with Vince Mendoza Orchestra & Herbie Hancock 4. Stormy Monday (As Phat As It Gets) / Leslie West 5. Momento De Luz (Life Colors) / Chuk Loeb with Carmen Cuesta 6. It Hurts Me Too (Mudpie) / Mudpie 7. Paradise Of Fools (Wide Open) / Kahvas Jute 8. Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Par.. 2012. 9. 18. 이전 1 다음