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Bob James26

오나라 오나라 아주 오나 벌써 20년 전 일이다. 2003-2004년은 '대장금'이 엄청난 화제와 인기를 모았다. 행운인지 불행인지 나는 아직 이 드라마를 못 봤다. 그럼에도 하도 많이 이야기를 들어서 안봐도 본 것같다. 이 드라마가 외국에서도 선풍적인 인기를 모았다는 소식을 들었다. 이란은 시청률 90%를 넘었다니 상상이 안됐다. 10년 전쯤 영국에서 만난 이란 친구도 이 드라마를 너무 재밌게 봤다며 한국 사람들은 어쩜 그리 이쁘고 멋있냐며 폭풍 수다를 떤 적이 있었다. 그제서야 이 드라마의 인기가 허풍이 아님을 실감했다. Bob James도 2006년 'Angels Of Shanghai'에 대장금의 주제곡 를 연주해 담았다. 원곡의 주요 선율을 그대로 살리고 아시아적 감성을 더했다. 그런데 중국 악기들이라 원곡의 맛과 다르다.. 2024. 4. 13.
[97 하반기] 99. Bob James - Heads [1997 하반기] 99. Bob James - Heads Bob James - Heads ('77, 5th) 1. Heads [6:40]2. We're All Alone [5:32]3. I'm In You [6:47]4. Night Crawler [6:17]5. You Are So Beautiful [6:50]6. One Loving Night [5:48] 1. Bob James - Clavinet, Electric Piano (Fender Rhodes), Piano, Synthesizer (Oberheim Polyphonic), Bells (Oberheim Polyphonic Tinkle Bells) Alphonso Johnson - Bass Steve Gadd - Drums2. Bob James -.. 2018. 9. 17.
[특선 129] Bob James - BJ 4 1987. 8. 6. Bob James - BJ 4 ('77, 4th) 1. Pure Imagination [5:21] 2. Where the Wind Blows Free [6:43] 3. Tappan Zee [6:49] 4. Nights Are Forever Without You [6:24] 5. Treasure Island [6:10] 6. El Verano [4:55] Bob James - Piano, Arranger, Keyboards, Clavinet Art Farmer - Trumpet, Flugelhorn Eddie Daniels - Clarinet, Flute, Sax (Tenor) Romeo Penque - Clarinet (Bass), Sax (Tenor), Recorder (Tenor.. 2017. 1. 30.
[특선 128] Bob James - Three 1987. 8. 3. Bob James - Three ('76, 3rd) 1. One Mint Julep [9:04] 2. Women of Ireland [8:00] 3. Westchester Lady [7:23] 4. Storm King [6:33] 5. Jamaica Farewell [5:21] Bob James - Arranger, Conductor, Keyboards Jon Faddis, John Frosk - Trumpet, Horn Hubert Laws - Flute Lew Soloff, Marvin Stamm - Trumpet David Taylor - Trombone, Trombone (Bass) Wayne Andre - Trombone Dave Bargeron - Trombone, Tub.. 2017. 1. 30.
[특선 127] Bob James - Two 1987. 7. 30. Bob James - Two ('75, 2nd) 1. Take Me to the Mardi Gras [5:50] 2. I Feel a Song (In My Heart) [5:26] 3. The Golden Apple [5:26] 4. Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) [8:24] 5. You're Right as Rain [5:29] 6. Dream Journey [5:57] Bob James - Organ, Arranger, Conductor, Keyboards, Piano (Electric), Clavinet Patti Austin, Lani Groves, Zachary Sanders, Frank Floyd - Vocals James Buffin.. 2017. 1. 30.
[특선 126] Bob James - One 1987. 7. 27. Bob James - One ('74, 1st) 1. Valley of the Shadows [9:42] 2. In the Garden [3:06] 3. Soulero [3:36] 4. Night on Bald Mountain [5:51] 5. Feel Like Making Love [6:38] 6. Nautilus [5:05] Bob James - Arranger, Conductor, Keyboards Jon Faddis, Thad Jones - Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Horn Paul Faulise, Jack Gale, Alan Raph - Trombone, Trombone (Bass) Lew Soloff, Marvin Stamm, Victor Paz, Alan .. 2017. 1. 30.
[94] 73. Bob James - Storm Warning [1994] 73. Bob James - Storm Warning http://www.bobjames.com (Official) Bob James - Restless ('94, 9th) 1. Lotus Leaves [6:00] 2. Under Me [5:10] 3. Restless [6:59] 4. Kissing Cross [6:19] 5. Storm Warning [4:05] 6. Animal Dreams [5:34] 7. Back To Bali [7:59] 8. Into The Light [6:30] 9. Serenissima [6:06] 10. Awaken Us To The Blue [5:42] Bob James - keyboards Ila Schloss, Hilary James - vocals A.. 2017. 1. 17.
2006년 6월 2일 (금) * 새앨범리뷰1. Endless Time (Urban Flamingo) / Bob James 2. Retrospective (Retro) / Rick Wakeman3. Mother's Ruin (Mother's Ruin) / Oliver Wakeman 4. Flame Of Passion (The Grand Design) / Edenbridge 5. The Moment (Metanoia) / Amarok 6. Ode Mnie (Niebo) / Anna Maria Jopek 7. Fiddler On The Roof (Gypsy Violin) / Sergei Trofanov 8. Bee (ELB) / Peter Erskine/Nguyen Le/Michel Benita 9. After Dark (My Love .. 2015. 7. 31.
2006년 6월 1일 (목) * 새앨범리뷰1. Make It More Blue (Urban Flamingo) / Bob James2. Homage To The Doctor (Retro) / Rick Wakeman3. The Agent (Mother's Ruin) / Oliver Wakeman 4. The Great Design (The Great Design) / Edenbridge 5. Canticle (Metanoia) / Amarok 6. Niebo (Niebo) / Anna Maria Jopek 7. Two Guitars (Gypsy Violin) / Sergei Trofanov 8. Meanwhile (ELB) / Peter Erskine/Nguyen Le/Michel Benita 9. Love Song (My Love M.. 2015. 7. 31.
2006년 5월 31일 (수) * 새앨범리뷰1. Urban Flamengo (Urban Flamingo) / Bob James 2. Just Another Day (Retro) / Rick Wakeman 3. Wall Of Water (Mother's Ruin/2005) / Oliver Wakeman 4. Landscape (Metanoia/2004) / Amarok 5. Terra Nova (The Grand Design) / Edenbridge (새앨범리뷰) 6. Epilog Adagio (Niebo/2005) / Anna Maria Jopek 7. 비내리는 고모령/장사익 (임명란/시어머님/추모곡) (이상숙/나영선/김창섭/오인근/김시회/윤아영/최재용/한화이/고동옥/박미영/김임정/차유경/선영석/전해진/박정순/김용현/류장곤/이현정/배.. 2015. 7. 31.
2004년 1월 26일 (월) * 특선앨범 1. Django (Take It From The Top) / Bob James Trio 2. Midnight Sun (Beauty Of Scandinavia) / Duke Jordan 3. In A Garden Made Of Stones (A Murder Of Crows) / Dead Soul Tribe 4. New World (The Unknown) / Conspiracy 5. Me And Liz (Pinup Guru) / Tomas Bodin 6. Future World (D'un Autre Sang) / Manigance 7. Mysteria (Hellfire Club) / Edguy 8. Lonely Nights (My Religion) / TNT 9. Thunderdome (Thu.. 2015. 6. 20.
2004년 1월 24일 (토) 1. No Quarter (The Time Beneath The Sky) / Quidam * 특선앨범 2. Billy Boy (Take It From The Top) / Bob James Trio 3. When You Wish Upon A Star (Beauty Of Scandinavia) / Duke Jordan (1995) 4. Confess (The Unknown) / Conspiracy (Chris Squire (b) Billy Sherwood (g/k/v) Jay Schellen (d)) 5. The Ballerina Is Not Getting Closer/The Last Eagle (Pinup Guru) / Tomas Bodin (2002) 6. Feed Part I & Ⅱ (A Murder .. 2015. 6. 20.
2003년 8월 24일 (일) 1. Gloomy Sunday (The Last Of) / Big Maybelle 2. Smile (Le Cinema) / Gidon Kremer (이라클리온/론리시걸) 3. Many Rivers To Cross (The Harder They Come) / Jimmy Cliff (이현정 부부) * 특집앨범 4. Cinderella's Downfall (Eddi Reader) / Eddi Reader 5. Paris Cali Milan (Wall Of Smiles) / Soraya 6. Too Young To Go Steady (This Time It's Love) / Kurt Elling 7. Empty Space (Chronometree) / Glass Hammer (2000) from Chattano.. 2012. 9. 23.
2003년 8월 23일 (토) 1. Alguien Canto (The Music Played) / Matt Monro (Herb) 2. Forbidden Colours (Merry Chirstmas Mr.Lawrence) / Ryuichi Sakamoto & David Sylvian 3. Dixie (Les Cinq Saisons) / Harmonium 4. Listen To The Rain (Ghost Upon The Road) / Eric Andersen (조미선/박미영) * 새벽바다 (성춘복) 5. L'anno il posto L'ora (Parsifal) / I Pooh * 특선앨범 6. Dolphins (Eddi Reader) / Eddi Reader 7. If I Lose You (Wall Of Smiles) / Soray.. 2012. 9. 23.
2003년 8월 22일 (금) 1. Feelin' Groovy (59th Street Bridge Song) / Harpers Bizarre (김영하/김계희) 2. Too Late For Prayin' (Sundown) / Gordon Lightfoot (임수진/안지영) 3. This Woman's Work (The Sensual World) / Kate Bush (이승문/조은희) 4. Les feuilles mortes (Best) / Yves Montand (노용지) 5. Se Stiamo Insieme (Cocciante) / Riccardo Cocciante (반디/웹디) * 저 언덕너머 저쪽 (헤르만 헤세) * 특선앨범 6. What You Do With What You've Got (Eddi Reader) / Eddi Re.. 2012. 9. 23.