Anders Johansson12 [98] 74. Jens Johansson - Hooded Strangers [1998] 74. Jens Johansson - Hooded Strangers [1998 상반기 50선] 26. Jens Johansson - Hooded Strangers Jens Johansson - Fission ('97) (Left: Heptagon Records Label, Right: Shrapnel Records Label) 1. Hooded Strangers [10:41]2. Phase Camouflage [6:48]3. Zero Sun Game [3:36]4. Acrostic Shibboleth [8:12]5. Don't Mention The War [10:48]6. Race Condition [7:32]7. Crowd Tectonics [6:14]8. Nystagmus [3:58]9.. 2018. 9. 20. [98 상반기 50선] 26. Jens Johansson - Hooded Strangers [1998 상반기 50선] 26. Jens Johansson - Hooded Strangers Jens Johansson - Fission ('97) (Left: Heptagon Records Label, Right: Shrapnel Records Label) 1. Hooded Strangers [10:41]2. Phase Camouflage [6:48]3. Zero Sun Game [3:36]4. Acrostic Shibboleth [8:12]5. Don't Mention The War [10:48]6. Race Condition [7:32]7. Crowd Tectonics [6:14]8. Nystagmus [3:58]9. Beautiful Lung Dogs [10:45]10. Straffpolska.. 2018. 9. 19. [97 하반기] 6. Jonas Hellborg with Johansson Brothers - Dog Bar-B-Q [1997 하반기] 6. Jonas Hellborg with Johansson Brothers - Dog Bar-B-Q Jonas Hellborg Group - E ('93) 1. Dog Bar-B-Q [7:43]2. JB [6:00]3. Vilinius [6:20]4. Mounteadne [6:10]5. Kenneth [7:43]6. Moving [6:36]7. Sovjet [1:51] Jonas Hellborg - Bass, Producer Anders Johansson - Drums Jens Johansson - Organ 2018. 9. 16. [97 하반기] 5. Johansson Brothers with Allan Holdsworth - Beef Cherokee [1997 하반기] 5. Johansson Brothers with Allan Holdsworth - Beef CherokeeAnders Johansson, Jens Johansson & Allan Holdsworth - Heavy Machinery ('96, 1st)1. Joint Ventures [5:48]2. Beef Cherokee [4:02]3. On the Frozen Lake [4:52]4. Mission: Possible [5:15]5. Good Morning, Mr. Coffee [7:25]6. Siouxp of the Day [4:02]7. On the Fritz [5:24]8. Tea for One and a Half [6:22] 9. Never Mind Our Weather [5:5.. 2018. 9. 16. [97 하반기] 3. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - All Opposable Thumbs [1997 하반기] 3. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - All Opposable ThumbsJohannsson - Sonic Winter ('96, 2nd)1. Nowhere to Run [5:15] 2. Days Of Wonder [5:06] 3. Fill the Void [5:24]4. Enigma Suite (instrumental) [11:19] 5. Shine On Me [4:41] 6. All Opposable Thumbs (instrumental) [8:32] 7. The Flood [9:14] 8. Back To Life [20:53] 9. A Higher Place [4:05] Anders Johansson - Drums, Guitars (r.. 2018. 9. 16. [97 하반기] 2. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - Enigma Suite [1997 하반기] 2. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - Enigma SuiteJohannsson - Sonic Winter ('96, 2nd)1. Nowhere to Run [5:15] 2. Days Of Wonder [5:06] 3. Fill the Void [5:24] 4. Enigma Suite (instrumental) [11:19] 5. Shine On Me [4:41] 6. All Opposable Thumbs (instrumental) [8:32] 7. The Flood [9:14] 8. Back To Life [20:53] 9. A Higher Place [4:05] Anders Johansson - Drums, Guitars (rhythm)J.. 2018. 9. 16. [97 상반기] 6. Johansson Brothers with Allan Holdsworth - Beef Cherokee [1997 상반기] 6. Johansson Brothers with Allan Holdsworth - Beef Cherokee Anders Johansson, Jens Johansson & Allan Holdsworth - Heavy Machinery ('96, 1st) 1. Joint Ventures [5:48]2. Beef Cherokee [4:02]3. On the Frozen Lake [4:52]4. Mission: Possible [5:15]5. Good Morning, Mr. Coffee [7:25]6. Siouxp of the Day [4:02]7. On the Fritz [5:24]8. Tea for One and a Half [6:22] 9. Never Mind Our Weather [5.. 2018. 9. 14. [97 상반기] 5. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - Enigma Suite [1997 상반기] 5. Johansson Brothers with Yngwie Malmsteen - Enigma Suite Johannsson - Sonic Winter ('96, 2nd) 1. Nowhere to Run [5:15] 2. Days Of Wonder [5:06] 3. Fill the Void [5:24] 4. Enigma Suite (instrumental) [11:19] 5. Shine On Me [4:41] 6. All Opposable Thumbs (instrumental) [8:32] 7. The Flood [9:14] 8. Back To Life [20:53] 9. A Higher Place [4:05] Anders Johansson - Drums, Guitars (rhythm.. 2018. 9. 14. [특선 300] Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire: Live In Leningrad 1989. 11. 8-13 Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire: Live In Leningrad ('89, 1st Live) 1. Liar [3:56]2. Queen in Love [3:55]3. Deja Vu [4:05]4. Far Beyond the Sun [8:17]5. Heaven Tonight [4:27]6. Dreaming (Tell Me) [6:34] 1988년 애청곡7. You Don't Remember, I'll Never Forget [6:04]8. Guitar Solo (Trilogy Suite Op. 5/Spasebo Blues) [10:16]9. Crystal Ball [6:03]10. Black Star [6:09] 1998년 애청곡11. Spanish C.. 2017. 2. 12. [특선 166] Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force - Odyssey 1988. 5. 27. Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force - Odyssey ('88, 4th) 1. Rising Force [4:25] 2. Hold On [5:11] 3. Heaven Tonight [4:06] 4. Dreaming (Tell Me) [5:19] 5. Bite the Bullet (instrumental) [1:36] 6. Riot in the Dungeons [4:22] 7. Deja Vu [4:17] 8. Crystal Ball [4:55] 9. Now Is the Time [4:34] 10. Faster Than the Speed of Light [4:30] 11. Krakatau (instrumental) [6:08] 12. Memories (instrum.. 2017. 1. 31. 2007년 4월 21일 (토) - Johansson Brothers * 음악세계/기획특집/아티스트리뷰(148) "Johansson Brothers" 1962/5/25(Gothenberg/Sweden) Anders Johansson(drums) 1963/11/29(Stockholm/Sweden) Jens Johansson(keyboards) 스웨덴이 자랑하는 재즈피아니스트(Jan Johansson)의 유전적 천재들로 태어난 형제(연년생) 형제가 나란히 피아노렛슨으로 출발 형인 안데르스는 14세때 드럼렛슨 받기시작 "Slem"이란 스쿨밴드로 스웨덴에선 이미 스타였다 요한슨형제는 "실버마운틴"에 스카웃되어 활동타가 1983년 잉베이와 의기투합 캘리포니아로 건너가 "Rising Force"의 창단멤버가 되며 "네오클래시컬 휴젼"(바로크 메틀)이란 새로운 장르를 개척하는데... .. 2017. 1. 2. [88] 69. Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force - Dreaming (Tell Me) [1988] 69. Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force - Dreaming (Tell Me) Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Odyssey ('88, 4th) 1. Rising Force 2. Hold On 3. Heaven Tonight 4. Dreaming (Tell Me) 5. Bite The Bullet 6. Riot In The Dungeons 7. Deja Vu 8. Crystal Ball 9. Now Is The Time 10. Faster Than The Speed Of Light 11. Krakatau 12. Memories Yngwie Malmsteen - guitars, bass Jens Johansson - keyboards A.. 2010. 5. 24. 이전 1 다음