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[00 하반기] 78. Steve Morse - Truth Ola

by Mr.Doctor 2018. 9. 24.

[2000 하반기78. Steve Morse - Truth Ola 

Steve Morse - Major Impacts ('00, 2nd solo)

1. Derailleur Gears [4:45]

2. Well, I Have [4:20]

3. TruthOla [5:30]

4. Migration [4:02]

5. Led On [5:52]

6. The White Light [3:20]

7. How Does It Feel? [4:29]

8. Bring It To Me [4:01]

9. Something Gently Weeps [4:35]

10. Free In The Park [4:32]

11. Prognosis [6:01]

Steve Morse - All Guitars & Extraneous Overdubs, Producer

Dave LaRue - Bass 

Van Romaine - Drums