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[91] 54. Pierre Favre Ensemble - Rain Forest

by Mr.Doctor 2017. 1. 6.

[1991] 54. Pierre Favre Ensemble - Rain Forest 

Pierre Favre Ensemble - Singing Drums ('84, ECM, 1st) 

1. Rain Forest [5:14] 

2. Carneval of the Four [6:11] 

3. Metal Birds [5:22] 

4. Edge of the Wing [4:37] 

5. Prism [8:14] 

6. Frog Songs [6:07] 

7. Beyond the Blue [5:48] 

Pierre Favre - drums, gongs, tuned gongs, crotales, bowed cymbals 

Paul Motian - drums, gongs, crotales, calebasses, rodbrushes 

Fredy Studer - drums, gongs, log drums, bowed cymbals 

Nana Vasconcelos - brimbau, voice, tympani, conga, water pot, shakers, bells