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2007년 2월 22일 (목) - Pierre Bensusan

by Mr.Doctor 2017. 1. 1.

* 음악세계/기획특집/아티스트리뷰(120) "Pierre Bensusan" 


프랑스가 자랑하는 어쿠스틱기타의 달인 

지난 2월 3일 내한공연가짐 

* 추천곡 

1. Le Voyage Pour L'Irlande (Musiques/1979/3rd) 

2. If Only You Knew (Altiplanos/2005) 

3. So Long Michael (Intuite/2000/Michael Hedges추모곡) 

4. Four A.M. (Spices/1987/5th) 

5. Au Jardin d'Amour (Solilai/1982/4th) 

6. La Danse du Capricorne (2/1977/2nd) 

7. The Town I Loved So Well (Pres de Paris/1975/1st) 

8. The Rakish Paddy (Musiques) 

9. Chant de Nuit (Altiplanos) 

10. Silent Passenger (Intuite) 

11. Falafel a montsegur (Altiplanos) 

12. La Hora Espanola (Intuite) 

13. Altiplanos (Altiplanos)