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전영혁의 음악세계/선곡표

2006년 6월 11일 (일) - Par Lindh Project

by Mr.Doctor 2015. 7. 31.

* 일요특선/앙코르/Par Lindh Project의 음악세계(from Sweden) 

1. The Iconoclast (Gothic Impressions/1994/1st) 

2. Rondo (Rondo/1995/2nd) 

3. Song Of The Dwarfs (Bilbo/1996/3rd) 

4. Baroque Impression No.1 (Mundus Incompertus/1997/4th) 

5. 21st Century Schizoid Man (Live In America/1998/5th) 

6. Veni Vidi Vici (Veni Vidi Vici/2001/6th) 

7. River Of Tales (Live In Iceland/2001/7th) 

8. Part 2 (Dreamsongs From Middle Earth/2004/8th)


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