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전영혁의 음악세계/선곡표

2006년 4월 24일 (월)

by Mr.Doctor 2015. 7. 31.

* ECM/LP/특선 (20주년 기념공연때 전시되었던 앨범중에서) 

1. Dawn Dance (Dawn Dance/1981) / Steve Eliovson (g) Colin Walcott (perc) 
2. Siren' Song (Azimuth/1977) / Kenny Wheeler (t) Norma Winstone (v) John Taylor (p)
3. Crystal Morning (Stella Malu/1981) / Krimsky (p) Trevor Watts (s) 
4. Trilogy Part 1 (Tales Of Another/1977) / Gary Peacoak with Keith Jarrett 

5. Three (In line/1982) / Bill Frisell with Arild Andersen (b) 

6. Comrade (Many have no speech/by Samuel Beckett/1988) / Michel Mantler 

Marianne Faithfull (voice) Rick Fenn(guitar) Danish Radio Orchestra Jack Bruce(voice) Robert Wyatt(voice) 

7. Bass Desires (Bass Desires/1985) / Marc Johnson (b) Peter Erskine (d) John Scofield (g) 

8. Theme to the Gaurdian (Theme to the Guardian/1975) / Bill Connors 

9. Karusell (Waves/1978) / Terje Rypdal (g/k) Palle Mikkelborg (t) 


10. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You (Opening Night/1982) / Enrico Rava Quartet 


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