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전영혁의 음악세계/선곡표

2005년 3월 14일 (월) - The Enid

by Mr.Doctor 2015. 7. 8.

* 음악세계/기획특집/앨범가이드/The Enid

영국의 왕립음악원(Rayal Academy)에서 드뷔시에 심취해있던 "Robert John Godfrey"의 프로젝트이다. 

Robert는 기타리스트 "스티븐 스튜어트"와 타악기주자 "후랜시스리커리쉬"와 함께 1974년에 The Enid를 트리오 프로젝트로 출범시킨다. 2년간의 작품구상과 조율 끝에 76년 데뷔앨범을 발표함과 동시에 전설적인 Reading Festival (영국의 우드스탁/매년 8월)에 출연 새로운 음악세계를 선보여 신선한 충격을 주었다. 1985년엔 브리티쉬투어로 무려 156회의 공연을 치루며 평론가들로부터 "아트록"이라는 용어를 처음 얻어냈으며 처음으로 LP시대에서 CD로 "The Fand"(7집)를 발매하였다. 


1. Fall Of Hyperion (Robert John Godfrey's Solo/1973) 

2. InThe Region Of the Summer Stars (The Enid/1976/1st) 

3. Aerie Faerie Nonsense (1978/2nd) 

4. Touch Me (1979/3rd) 

5. The Dreamer (by Godfrey) (Six Pieces/1980/4th) / performed by Francis Lickerish-Stephen Stewart-R.J.Godfrey 

6. Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983/5th) 

7. Live At Hammersmith Odeon Vol. I & ll (1983) 

8. Autumn (by Godfrey) (The Spell/1984/6th) / R.J.Godfrey (Key) Stephen Stewart (Guitars) David Storey (Timpani) 

9. Fand (30 minutes) (The Fand/1985/7th) / composed in 1975/first recorded in 1976 where it was included on the second album, 'Aerie Faerie Nonsense'It was conceived as an ambitious tone poem and in the context of "Art Rock". It is a very large scale piece of music. This recording was made on 1979/3/3 in front of packed house at London's Hammersmith Odeon. 

10. Sheets Of Blue (by Godfrey) (Salome/1986/8th) / performed by Godfrey-Stewart-Storey 

11. The Lovers (by Godfrey) (Lovers & Fools (Best Of)/1986)

12. Longhome (The Seed And The Sower/1987/9th)

13. Final Noise (1988/1988/11/Dominion Theatre/Farewell Concert) 

All CD are available by mail order from claret Hall Farm Clare Sudbury Suffolk CO 10 8LF Please write for details enclosing s.a.e  The Enid Have now established their own record label and have national distribution in the UK through Pinnacle records(in Japan/King records), The Enid songs Enterprises Ltd.

'전영혁의 음악세계 > 선곡표' 카테고리의 다른 글

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